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Volume 36, Issue2 March/April 2023
The March/April Observer: Entrepreneurship in Psychological Science
Shifting economic winds portend a Darwinian environment for start-ups. Psychological science is revealing what will help the fittest ventures survive.

Presidential Column

Alison Gopnik
University of California, Berkeley
APS President 2022 - 2023
All columns

In this Issue:
Exploration vs. Exploitation: Adults Are Learning (Once Again) From Children

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  • Research Briefs

    Recent highlights from APS journals articles on learned cognitive flexibility, visual short-term memory across multiple fixations, spatial cognition and its malleability, and much more.

Government Relations

  • An empty courtroom.

    Inside Grants: National Institute of Justice Grant Funding

    The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is an agency in the U.S. Department of Justice that uses science to improve knowledge and understanding of crime and justice issues to create tools for decision makers to reduce crime and advance justice.   Gail S. Goodman, University of California, Davis APS James McKeen Cattell Award recipient Gail S. Goodman is a distinguished professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis. Her doctoral training is in developmental psychology. She obtained her degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles and was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Denver and the Université René Descartes in Paris. Her NIJ-funded research project is titled “Long-Term Eyewitness Memory in Children Exposed to Violence.”  What are you researching?    The research concerns a longitudinal study of child maltreatment and memory.

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