我们的论文是关于童年经验的欺凌的关系(受害者,欺负,bully-victim)和成人的结果。我们包括性(性别)作为一个因素控制的分析,即。,to make sure that sex was not a third factor that explained the relationship between bullying involvement and later outcome. Indeed, sex was a significant co-variate. Males did more poorly in their health, wealth and were more often involved in risky or illegal behavior across groups. This is consistent with general studies that females are outscoring males at school, in employment, and less likely to engage in risky behavior. Male bully-victims also had poorer social relationships with parents or friends.
看看最近的关键讨论(Olweus, 2012)。
这是一个非常有趣的问题,我们开始问一些年前。前两个横断面研究,我们在以色列(沃克&翅果,2004)和英国(沃克&斜,2012)发现,兄弟欺凌或虐待是广泛的。特别是,我们发现孩子们欺负的(即兄弟(s)在家里。,victims, bully-victims) were more much more likely to be also victims or bully-victims at school. Furthermore, we found that being bullied by siblings increased behavioral problems and decreased well-being (Wolke & Skew, 2012b). Children who are bullied by their siblings and at school have the highest rate of concurrent emotional and behavioral problems and are, in general, very unhappy. For these children, there is no respite from bullying after they come home from school — it is 24/7.
是的,我们有。特别是,我们一直在研究一群孩子(约14000)的母亲在怀孕期间登记在英国,和我们现在这些孩子直到18岁的年龄。儿童和父母的雅芳纵向研究(面向)允许我们控制的家庭和健康因素在孩子出生之前(Suzet Tanya Lereya &沃克,2012),因此不包括任何反向因果关系。我们也有优秀的社会因素的措施,养育和教育。我们发现儿童欺负小学(8 - 10岁)更有可能患上抑郁症在青春期(沃克,Zwierzynska & Lereya, 2013)或边缘性人格障碍症状(沃克,Schreier Zanarini & Winsper, 2012)。
他们也更可能尝试自杀和自残在青春期(Winsper、Lereya Zanarini &沃克,2012)(Suzet Tanya Lereya, et al ., 2013)。我们希望精神上的发现结果在18岁很快就会被媒体和真诚希望获得资金跟进这个示例来评估其财富和社会关系在成年。结果在英国关于心理结果复制那些在美国队列(科普兰,沃克,Angold & Costello, 2013)。由于更大的样本量,我们也能看到结果罕见但高禁用,例如精神病的经历。我们发现他们是高度增加后欺负(Schreier et al ., 2009)。
时间通常是一个问题,无论是在研究,在学校或在医生的实践。欺凌的同行可以有效和可靠地评估4项(蒂,2013 # 24860)。这是可以做到面对面或通过电子手段。我们目前正在进行的一项调查显示面板的年轻人,父母、初级保健医生,和老师对他们将最有可能披露恃强凌弱。考虑到多达40%的儿童在沉默中(即。,从来没有tell their parents or teachers), we need other routes for children to disclose and receive help. Bullying is not just a school problem, but a public health problem that needs addressing.
有许多问题仍有待回答。为什么有些孩子更容易被欺负,以及早期我们可以认识到这一点吗?我们最近召集了育儿和欺凌研究(如何虐待也过分保护孩子的教育成为受害者的风险增加,例如)(S T Lereya,翅果,&沃克出版社)http://www.nhs.uk/news/2013/04April/Pages/Bad-parenting-linked-with-kids-being-bullied.aspx toggler-div。
同样,孩子出生的早产儿更脆弱?欺凌是如何影响心理或身体健康,有什么机制——从社会认知的生物过程,它吗?为什么有些孩子适应欺负的影响?从孩子显示弹性,通过学习我们可以了解可以帮助其他孩子防止欺凌的不利影响。最重要的是,有新的、更有效的手段进行干预孩子和父母吗?这些可能包括其他地方比学校和使用新媒体和虚拟现实方法(沃克& Sapouna, 2012)。
科普兰,w·E。沃克,D。,Angold, A., & Costello, E. (2013). Adult psychiatric outcomes of bullying and being bullied by peers in childhood and adolescence.JAMA精神病学,70(4),419 - 426。doi: 10.1001 / jamapsychiatry.2013.504
Lereya, s T。翅果,M。,& Wolke, D. (in press). Parenting behavior and the risk of becoming a victim and a bully/victim: A meta-analysis study.儿童虐待与忽视。
Lereya, s T。Winsper C。苍鹭,J。刘易斯,G。,Gunnell, D., Fisher, H. L., & Wolke, D. (2013). Being Bullied During Childhood and the Prospective Pathways to Self-Harm in Late Adolescence.美国儿童和青少年精神病学》杂志上,52岁(6),608 - 618. - e602。
Lereya, s T。,& Wolke, D. (2012). Prenatal family adversity and maternal mental health and vulnerability to peer victimisation at school.儿童心理学与精神病学杂志》上,禁忌。doi: 10.1111 / jcpp.12012
Olweus, d . (2012)。网络欺凌:一个被高估的现象?欧洲发展心理学杂志,9(5),520 - 538。doi: 10.1080 / 17405629.2012.682358
Sapouna, M。,& Wolke, D. Resilience to bullying victimization: The role of individual, family and peer characteristics.儿童虐待与忽视(0)doi:。http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2013.05.009
Schreier,。沃克,D。,Thomas, K., Horwood, J., Hollis, C., Gunnell, D., . . . Harrison, G. (2009). Prospective Study of Peer Victimization in Childhood and Psychotic Symptoms in a Nonclinical Population at Age 12 Years.拱创精神病学,66(5),527 - 536。doi: 10.1001 / archgenpsychiatry.2009.23
蒂,N。沃克,D。,& Platt, L. (2013). Ethnicity and bullying involvement in a national UK youth sample.《青春期,36(4),639 - 649。doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.adolescence.2013.03.013
Winsper C。,Lereya, T., Zanarini, M., & Wolke, D. (2012). Involvement in Bullying and Suicide-Related Behavior at 11 Years: A Prospective Birth Cohort Study.美国儿童和青少年精神病学》杂志上,51(3),271 - 282. - e273。doi: 10.1016 / j.jaac.2012.01.001
沃克,D。,& Samara, M. M. (2004). Bullied by siblings: association with peer victimisation and behaviour problems in Israeli lower secondary school children.儿童心理学与精神病学杂志》上,45(5),1015 - 1029。
沃克,D。,& Sapouna, M. (2012). FearNot!一个创新的跨学科虚拟干预减少欺凌和受害。答:Costabile & b枪(Eds),技术在教育关系设置的影响(页169 - 177)。阿宾顿,奥克:劳特利奇。
沃克,D。,Schreier,。,Zanarini, M. C., & Winsper, C. (2012a). Bullied by peers in childhood and borderline personality symptoms at 11 years of age: A prospective study.儿童心理学和精神病学杂志》,53岁(8),846 - 855。doi: doi: 10.1111 / j.1469-7610.2012.02542.x
沃克,D。,& Skew, A. (2012b). Family Factors, Bullying Victimisation & Wellbeing in Adolescents.纵向和生命历程研究3(1),101 - 119。
沃克,D。,Woods, S., Bloomfield, L., & Karstadt, L. (2000). The association between direct and relational bullying and behaviour problems among primary school children.儿童心理学与精神病学杂志》上,41岁(8),989 - 1002。
Zwierzynska, K。沃克,D。,& Lereya, T. S. (2013). Peer Victimization in Childhood and Internalizing Problems in Adolescence: A Prospective Longitudinal Study.异常儿童心理学杂志》上,41岁(2),309 - 323。doi: 10.1007 / s10802 - 012 - 9678 - 8
首先,我想表达我的真诚和发自内心的感谢和欣赏你的研究和出版物欺凌的问题尤其是兄弟姐妹欺负的后果。作为一个孩子,我是欺负的受害者是我的哥哥。这种强烈的后果和恒定的生理和情感虐待是重要的。几乎40年前我把暴君欺负和我之间1000英里。我建立了一个新的家庭,完成了研究生院,有一个相当成功的职业生涯。我想我已经解决和搬过去我的暴力和情感上破碎的童年。错了。我回到我的童年的家,我的父母住在一个家庭庆祝活动。我的童年施虐者也和我的父母住在那里。我只有4天。 I can usually handle a very short visit and return home reasonably sane. Just before I was to leave my father died unexpectedly. My mother also had a serious health problem which required hospitalization and a lengthy recovery. I ended up staying in that house for about six weeks. The seventh and last week I ended up going to an air B&B. I did not feel safe in the family house. My brother was abusive verbally and almost physically violent. At one point in a conversation he slipped in the reminder that the guns in the basement were still his. At the end of the 7th week my mother was sufficiently recovered that she could go home from the medical facility. She still didn’t recognize that her son was an abusive monster. I have seen him treat her in the same abusive manner in which he has treated me for over 60 years. I gave my elderly and frail mom an invitation to come live with me i in my three bedroom home far away but she wouldn’t leave. When I returned to my home a thousand miles from the abusers house I had changed. I’m withdrawn. I’m shaking. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. I lost 10 pounds in a few weeks. I am dreading all of the trappings and traditions of Christmas. This is perhaps the most telling of my ” symptoms”. I have always made a big deal over Christmas.. foid, cooku es, homemade fudge, the tree, lughts, a caroad of gifts for every familiy member and even neighbors.. well, you get tj e idea.For the first time in my life I am seeking psychiatric care and medications. I have known soldiees returning from combat zones . You can see the PTSD etched on their faces. I look in the mirror and see that ghastly expression staring back at me. I understand what I’m going through and it’s worse than the cancer I have battled for three years. Please parents, watch your children. Don’t let this happen in your family. It’s so horrible.